Rosi Grillmair


AI in Art and as part of Social Structure

Art, technology and pop culture are obsessed wie the possibilities of artificial intelligencs. It is the second hype after artificially thinking beings became hypothetically possible in the 1950ies.
I find AI interesting as a way of simulating humanness, as a way of getting closer to possible answers of who we are. By means of delegating a part of our humanness to a machine and then observe its behaviour, most of the time we learn what we are not.
Also I find AI driven companions interesting to engage with: How does it change us as groups and individuals when we talk to chatbots and automated services? And what happens when we base decisions on information extracted from machine learning algorithms?
If we now draw the connection to self-optimisation and the capitalist society we are living in, measured in numbers of wealth and productivity - aren´t AI services the better functioning humans?

Code Poetry

In my master thesis I propose that code is a form of literature, meant for a machine to execute, but for humans to read. Cristina Videira Lopes explains in her book “Exercises in Programming Style" how different codes can solve the same task, but can be written differently, depending on the intentions, but also on the mood of the programmer. Annette Vee describes programming as the new literacy in a technology driven world.
While I on the one hand examined the existing genre of code poetry as a form of art, I also considered the views of decentralized network advocates and DIY initiatives like the Chaos Computer Club. Therefore I argued that we need many people who code, who develop their own style and - most importantly - solve those problems with code that they encounter in their daily lives.
If this wouldn´t be one of the goals to strive for in tech literacy, we would keep feeding the economy with a biased repertoir of products and services we “need” and a similarly biased view on which problems are severe enough to be solved technologically.

Code and Poetry An Exploration of Logic throughout Art, Computation and Philosophy
(M.A. Master Thesis on ResearchGate)

Language induced Reality Transformations

Any kind of verbal and written expression are of interest to me: programming languages, logical constructs, dialects and translations. If we see communication as the construction of common abstract spaces, I love to explore how language shapes these realities.
In philosophy I followed some ideas by Wittgenstein, Gödel and Russel about an all comprising language that allows us to (re-)construct and thereby understand our world.
Humans as beeings full of bias and pre-assumptions who can never make decisions neglecting this precondition are of interest for me as well. I engage in the constant endeavor of adressing these biases, but also observe how they influence our commonly constructed realities.
Art for me is a medium that reflects these constructed realities - especially in relation to language. The projects I present should help look at and maybe even understand these realities.

Digital Art in- and outside of its Digital Habitat

In my Bachelor's thesis I took a closer look on digital art and the way it can be experienced. In 2015 it was a cool thing to take artistic works that emerged digitally - or online and extract them from the online flows of content to then frame them for the classic gallery.

I proposed other ways for exhibiting, ideas for museums to make online art accessible instead of extracting and owning them.
Also I looked into options to automate parts of the institutional art system: computationally and machine generated art reaches back to the 1970ies, computer aided databases of art and artists became especially influential on the stock market in the 2000s and I also discovered some niches of computer generated exhibitions and even artists.
Where and how is it most likely to catch a glimpse on the eternal digital content flow and bundle parts of it up within an artistic project that can also be experienced in exactly that (digital) space?
The bachelor thesis became a compendium of approaches to do exactly that since the 1990ies including Rhizome and several pioneering artists in the field like Addie Wagenknecht or Rafaël Rozendaal.

Digital Arts within the Post Internet Theory and its Relationship to the Institutional Art World
(B.A. Bachelor Thesis on ResearchGate)

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